
Watch Me is a modern wall clock that distinguishes itself with its stylized design. The design is inspired by a color swatch and consists of eight rectangles that are folded out like a fan, forming the face of the clock. The simple but clever use of rectangles creates the clock's stringent graphic expression, while indicating the passage of time.

Normann Copenhagen・WATCH ME

Assembly Required : ○   Stock Item : ☆組立必要 : ○   在庫対象 : ☆

Wall ClockΦ285 I 0.54kg
XNC-ABC-GR1 Green ¥10,000
XNC-ABC-GL1 Grey ¥10,000

※Prices are subject to change without prior notice. All prices exclude VAT.※表示価格は、メーカー希望小売価格(税抜)です。


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Rasmus Gottliebsenラスムス・ゴトリーブセン


Rasmus Gottliebsen has a background in the advertisement industry. He has worked on his own projects on the side in his company Herpes.
To me design is all about creating objects that are impossible not to notice, objects that are contagious and objects that stays in the heart forever. Then I know I did a good job.

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