
The "BABA" side table is designed with a minimalist philosophy. All the unnecessary elements are removed, allowing the details to shine out. Another reason for its popularity is the u-shaped legs which can be put under the bottom of the sofa when in use.




Assembly Required : ○   Stock Item : ☆組立必要 : ○   在庫対象 : ☆

Coffee tableφ500×H540 I 21.00kg(※Top・Leg同色タイプは 12.00kg)
XPL-T4S1C05L-WHWM1Top:Glossy Bianco carrara Leg:Matt lacquer bianco¥187,000
XPL-T4S2C05L-GNWM1Top:Glossy Bianco carrara Leg:Glossy Painted brown nickel¥187,000
XPL-T4S3C05L-GNBM1Top:Glossy Saint laurent Leg:Glossy Painted brown nickel¥319,000
XPL-T4S4C05L-MOKA1Top・Leg:Matt 49 Moka¥190,000
XPL-T4S4C05L-FERO1Top・Leg:Matt 78 Ferro¥190,000
XPL-T4S4C05L-BANC1Top・Leg:Matt 01 Bianco¥190,000
XPL-T4S4C05L-CRBN1Top・Leg:Matt 91 Carbone¥190,000

※Prices are subject to change without prior notice. All prices exclude VAT.※表示価格は、メーカー希望小売価格(税抜)です。


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    Coffee table


Roberto Barbieriロベルト・バルビエリ


He graduated in architecture at Politecnico of Milan in 1969 and in the same year started his activity in design, graphic and architecture in cooperation with architect Marco De Carli.He took part, from 1970 to 1975, to a series of exhibitions based on furnishing and living spaces in the public building organized in cooperation with Triennale of Milan and with Enti del Mobile, from the Faculty of Architecture. Between the others, “The living space for the house of Seventies” and “The living space in Public buildings”.He also devoted himself to the didactic activity.
He has been a valid planner in architecture and design and he had cooperation with prestigious companies of Italian market.


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