Place where people foregather, interact and share ideas, as well as for places to welcome guests.
The ym-01 series is a product line-up ideal for places where people lively interact.
A prescence that stands out with an elegantly designed lounge chair, together with a table to match well beside it both reflects the material beauty of domestic grown wood.
A line-up of recylcle friendly product selection.
Hinoki cypress timber harvested from the forest conservation activity between Kokuyo and Shimanto-cho Forestry Association is precisely molded into shape. The credible formation and by joining molded plywood together gives its sturdy structure yet simplistic aesthetic.
Created are products to naturally blend well into a host of spaces.
- ヒノキ材は結の森プロジェクトの活動で行っている間伐もしくは主伐作業から出る木材を基本としていますが、材料の入荷状況によってその他のヒノキ材で対応させていただく場合があります。

芦沢啓治 Keiji Ashizawa
2005年芦沢啓治建築設計事務所設立。「正直なデザイン/Honest Design」を心掛け、建築からプロダクト、
Keiji Ashizawa Design founded in 2005 by Keiji Ashizawa. Known for its total design of spaces, architecture to product design, and designing furniture under the motto ‘Honest Design’. In 2011, Ishinomaki Laboratory was established to help with the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake,
Technology &
The products born utilizing the natural beauty of wood is Tendo Mokko versed in wood furniture.
Using domestically sourced wood, quality assured to withstand the use in the office.
Further, angled curvature is pursued to enhance seating comfort is product designed adopting Kokuyo's knowledge of office furniture development.
A collection brought and realized by integrating the best of Japanese material, engineering and design.

Technical Partner
天童木工 Tendo Mokko
1940年に創業。戦後まもなくに導入した成形合板技術に磨きをかけながら、新技術の開発も積極的に取り組んできた。家具に不向きとされていたスギやヒノキから丈夫で美しい家具を生み出す「Roll Press Wood」技術を確立。木材の可能性を引き出し、新たな価値を生み出し続けている。
Established in 1940, Tendo Mokko introduced and refined the technique of molded plywood. Creators of 「Roll Press Wood」 to make beautiful and robust furniture from Sugi cedar and Hinoki cypress. Tendo Mokko continues to develop new engineering techniques to draw out the potential of timber and to bring new value.
Main product raw material : Domestically grown Hinoki cypress.
A tree species found in abundance in forestry across Japan, this coniferous tree is softwood and commonly difficult to handle to be adopted as material to make furniture.
However, by solving and overcoming difficulties together with industry partners, a product selection incorporating the quality to last a lifetime and beautifully crafted furniture has been realized.
Further, the seat cushion that accompanies the chair is detachable, and adopts fabric made from recycled PET bottles and recycled ocean plastic. The cushion filling also adopts recycled material.
Beyond the product, consideration for the environment by re-using packaging material used in the transport of large products such as the lounge chair.